Fact or Fake? Teaching Digital Literacy in the Era of Fake News
Teaching Digital Literacy in the the Era of Fake News
The world faces great uncertainty due to the pandemic, our politics, our climate, social equality, new technology and much more, and the news has never seemed more important. We can find news when we want, how we want, across multiple platforms and devices. News is everywhere - from Twitter to CNN, and the BBC to Whatsapp. However not all news can be trusted and alongside the proliferation of fact-based content and information, comes a surge in misinformation: fake news which often travels faster and further than the truth.
On February 25th 2020, a month before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of The World Health Organisation said “we’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous.”
The challenge of misinformation is not new. It has been a growing cause for concern, exacerbated by the rise of technology. In recent years organisations like The Centre for Humane Technology, have cast a spotlight on the influence misinformation is having on our politics and society. But with lives now more directly at stake, misinformation about the pandemic has brought the topic of fake news into the spotlight.
45% of people in the UK get their news from social media. This is even higher for children. As such, social media platforms which have not been subject to the same content rules as TV, radio, print and other traditional news sources, are facing increasing scrutiny from regulators for their role in the dissemination of content. They have started to take some action. In March, Facebook, Reddit, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube issued a joint statement, in which they committed to helping people stay connected during the pandemic whilst also combating rising fraud and misinformation about the virus. The result has been a series of blocks around content, most recently including Donald Trump’s false claims’ on Coronavirus.
Understanding when a scientific claim is true is relatively straight-forward. Take for example, debunking the myth that 5G masts cause COVID-19. This can be fact checked by independent scientists and quickly shown to be untrue. But news and information can often stray from fact towards opinion. And in a world where we are looking to protect free speech, censorship of unfounded opinions can be a challenge. This leads to the question - what actually is fake news? What is the difference between fake news and opinion? The debate continues with respect to the responsibility that content distribution platforms have when it comes to curating the content that their users share. For now, as users we are consuming a daily diet of both fact and fiction. But whilst most of us recognise that fake news exists, many struggle to spot it.
In this environment, how can we take back control over what we read and how it affects us? How can we stay informed on what can and can’t be trusted? And what can parents do to educate children so that they can make educated assessments of what they are reading?
I believe that, with the right support, children can develop the necessary digital literacy skills, to be critical rather than despondent observers of the news and to actively participate in the information environment.
As COVID continues to challenge the world, and with the US elections right around the corner, it’s time to encourage your children to start taking control of the news. The tips below provide some suggestions on how best to teach digital literacy in your homes, in the era of fake news.
Step 1: Ask the right questions
Encourage your children not to accept content at face value. Teach them to understand why, how and what has been shared with them, and to be critical observers of the content they consume. Encourage questions such as:
How did you find the content? How was it shared with you? Do you trust who shared it?
Who made the content? Who might benefit or be harmed by it?
Why did they make it? Is someone getting paid for this content?
What is the news not saying? Is there part of the story being omitted?
Ultimately, do you trust what you are reading to be true?
Step 2: Look for technical signs that might signal a fake
Check the source URL or site name - do you recognise or trust it?
Is the content high quality? Are their spelling or grammatical mistakes? Is the language unnecessarily sensationalist? This could signal a hoax.
Can you find the same story on other more trusted sources like your national public news site?
Is the site overloaded with advertising or other ‘clickbait’? Does the associated content look reliable?
See Professor Melissa Zimdars of Merrimack College for more detailed tips along these lines.
Step 3: Think before you share
Remember, we are not just consumers, but also contributors to the content environment.
If you have any doubt that the content may be false, misleading or harmful in any way, don’t share it. Or if you have to share it, do so with clear messaging around your concerns or doubts of the content.
Encourage your friends and family to think critically about the content that they share - and feel free to hold others accountable for sharing misleading content.
Step 4: Explore other resources together
Watch The Social Dilemma with your families. Use it as an opportunity to discuss as a family the influence technology and the spread of content has on our decision making and society.
Explore the extensive resources on fake news from both Commonsense and Ofcom
Consider using a news app like Ground News, which will highlight the bias in the content you are reading and present an alternative with a different perspective.
Remember that even reputable sources have a business objective. Whilst they may have strict rules preventing bias, they are operating in the attention economy, where success is determined by user engagement, and so news sites are incentivised to keep you there. By continuing to question the way that we engage with technology and the content it delivers, we can build critical digital literacy skills and get our families closer to finding our digital wellbeing.